Sparky Template
This is a 9 1/2 inch Sparky template single fin glassed on to a custom Chronic 11’0. This fin has just been laminated on and trimmed. The next step is the hot coat.
Robin Johnston SUP
This is a custom stand up paddle board by Robin Johnston. The construction is EPS with epoxy lamination and foam stain.
Glitter Board
This is a custom surfboard with glitter in the lamination. This makes a great fishing lure. Take a look at our stock surfboard inventory. If you cannot find what you want in our stock surfboard inventory then place an order for a custom surfboard on…
Finless Board
This is what all the fin companies don’t want you to see, no fins. Check out Derek Hynd surfing J-Bay on a finless board at
Casey’s Cedar Gun
After months of work Mike Casey has finally finished his Chinese Cedar Gun. He started with a 500lb slab of wood. He got the rough shape down to 125lbs before chambering the blank. The finished board is 65lbs and has beautiful polish.
Fin Made from Chinese Cedar
Mike Casey went all out on this wood board. He milled it down from a 50olb piece of wood and made a matching fin with Chinese Cedar.
First Step
The first step in the lamination process is installing the fin boxes. This is a batch of boards about to have the Future boxes installed.
Want to feel like bait?
If you want to feel like bait or chum, this is the board for you.
Fish Board
This is a custom board shaped like a fish and airbrushed like a fish.
Chambering Wood Boards
This is Mike Casey creating the chambers that make a wood board light. After hollowing out all the slices of board he will glue the board back together and then finish shaping it. After that is finally ready for glassing.