First Step
The first step in the lamination process is installing the fin boxes. This is a batch of boards about to have the Future boxes installed.
Want to feel like bait?
If you want to feel like bait or chum, this is the board for you.
Fish Board
This is a custom board shaped like a fish and airbrushed like a fish.
Chambering Wood Boards
This is Mike Casey creating the chambers that make a wood board light. After hollowing out all the slices of board he will glue the board back together and then finish shaping it. After that is finally ready for glassing.
Australia’s Adam Melling Wins The Vans World Cup Of Surfing
Australian Adam Melling has won the Vans World Cup of Surfing, taking home $40,000 and re-qualifying himself for his spot on the ASP World Tour for 2013. Read below for the ASP press release: Australian Adam Melling, from Lennox Head NSW, has won the US$250,000…
Marble Foam Stain Guns
It’s that time of year and there are batches of guns going through the factory. These three are for one customer who requested marble foam stains.
Casey’s Woody
The polish on Mike Casey’s gun looks like glass. On regular PU board heat is always a concern when polishing. Too much heat and the fiberglass will get a waffle pattern. On a wood board you do not need to worry about heat which makes…
Batch of Big Wave Guns
This is a batch of big wave guns ready for the decks to be laminated. This time of year we have a lot of guns and tow boards going through the factory.
Dave Parementer – “Don’t look for that slidey shit at Sunset.”
“Don’t look for that slidey shit at Sunset.” Commenting on the decidedly anorexic surfboards of the Momentum Generation, former professional surfer-turned-cultural critic Dave Parmenter denounced this new, gymnastic style of riding (tailslides, reversals, aerials) as foiling the ergonomic essentials of power, speed and flow —…
12’0 Brewer Gun
If you put one 12’0 Brewer gun in the rack it makes everything else looks small. That 12’0 gun has custom stringers, 1″ bass wood center and 1/2 bass wood outside stringers. It also has Koa Wood single fin with a halo.
Tape Off for Color
This board has been taped off and is ready to a color lamination bottom. After the bottom is on it will have to be trimmed before it is complete hard.