1958-Born. 1960-Swam on the first day of swimming lessons. 1966-, Began bodysurfing. 1969- Bought my first surfboard. 1972-Convicted of interstate transport of a stolen auto and various other offenses, left home to go surf and never went back….CHRONIC. 1975-Began learning to play guitar. 1977-Arrested for surfing, cited for disorderly conduct…CHRONIC. 1979-Received eleven stitches in the arm from a shark bite while surfing. 1980-Began working on surfboards. 1981-Added two fins to a 5’7 twin, rode it all winter inPuerto Rico…CHRONIC. 1982-First band “Mango Jam” opened for top rock group atAguadillain Puerto Rico. The crowd of 650 incited a riot…CHRONIC. 1983-Flew to Spain with $650 and a Black and Decker 5000 to make surfboards on a handshake and three days notice…CHRONIC. Nearly succumbed to excessive night activities in the Basque country. Wintered in theCanary Islandson $5 a day…CHRONIC. 1983-Dirt road trip thru West African desert to find mysto point break, arrested and barely avoided incarceration in one of the worst jails in the world…CHRONIC. 1985-Made a five fin board with a proprietary removable fins system for versatility while traveling and tested it extensively inMexicoandEl Salvador. 1986-Shaped first board. 1987-Moved toOahu. 1990-Married, first day of honeymoon surfed Uluwatu for five hours…CHRONIC. 1992-“Otis & The Abusers”, notorious for climaxing shows with a surfboard sacrifice get extensive radio play with “I Feel The Need” (To smoke some weed.) 1994-Third Band, “The Strangers”. 2003-Started the CHRONIC label and never looked back…CHRONIC…you decide.